
The Flowers of Fukushima Mailbox -Where messages to and from Fukushima meet-The Flowers of Fukushima Mailbox -Where messages to and from Fukushima meet-

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OTAMA-MURA, FUKUSHIMA―Notice of a photo exhibit at Fukushima Citizens’ Forest, Forest Park Adatara

Autumn sure is here.
There are many sights for the beautiful colored leaves.
This time, from October 5, we are going to have an exhibit at the visitor center of Forest Park Adatara, one of those sights, supporting us with taking photos of flowers since spring.

The tree leaves in Mt. Adatara have started to change color already.
There are cottages, hot springs, a museum for learning about forests at the site of the park.
Lots of people in and out of Fukushima Prefecture have visited there.
I have a hunch that the exhibit is going to start at the peak of autumn leaves.
◆Forest Park Adatara

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