NISHIAIZU, FUKUSHIMA―We are having a photo exhibit at Nishiaizu International Art Village.
Today we are starting a photo exhibit at Nishiaizu International Art Village!
Feeling the pleasant breeze and surrounded by fresh green leaves, we wanted to take time and relax during the setup.
When you walk on the wooden floor, you can hear it squeaking.
You can see the light reflected from the floor which children scrubbed and polished with bran a long time ago.
You will encounter some animals while you take a walk.
The photo exhibit will last for two months this time.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful art village as a kind of parallel universe, while you feel nostalgic for the wooden school building.
(Please contact the art village to get information about access and a lunch.)
This time around we are going to display more and more works during the exhibition.
Just wait and see once we get more works of flowers- and smiles from the town people!-, with the support from the people of Nishiaizu-machi.